Monday, August 24, 2009

Beautiful By Nature Tutorial

This tutorial was written on August 24th, 2009 by Donna Mae AKA Sapphire Love. The concept of the tag is mine and mine alone. Any resemblance to any other tag/tut is pure coincidence. This was written for those with working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop.

Supplies needed:
Emerald Fantasy by Halos Designs

Open your new document, 500 x 500.

Open hd-flower frame 1, re-size by 80%, paste into your new document, add your drop shadow, opacity 30% > distance 3 > size 3. Rotate.

Open hd-sweet fairy 5, re-size by 50%. Use your Rectangular Marquee Tool and select your fairies head/chest and paste into your new frame. Erase some of her wings/bottom part so she looks like shes sticking out from behind the frame.

Open hd-butterfly 8, re-size by 30%, paste into your document, rotate, add your drop shadow, opacity 20% > distance 3 > size 3.Uncheck "Global Lighting" and set your angle to 9.

Open hd-butterfly 2, re-size by 30%, paste into your document, add your drop shadow, opacity 20% > distance 3 > size 3.

Write "Beautiful By Nature" on the tags sticking out, the font I'm using is called "Precious" I'm using black, obviously.

Open hd-paper 5, re-size by 30%, paste into your document BEHIND your frame and your girl.

Write your name, tag it and you're done. :) Hope you enjoyed my tutorail!